
Vizualising Discogs.com artist label networks

Discogsgrapher vizualises artist/label connections using information from Discogs.com. Browse the different genres below to see the networks for different periods of that genre. Two artists are considered connected if they have released music on the same label. The number of releases an artist has is reflected in the size of his/hers node. Nodes with the same colour belong to the same community.

Made by Karl Tryggvason. See this blogpost for more information or look at the code on Github. Hit me up on @karltryggvason if you have any questions.

Hover over a node to see the artist name, click a node for information about its connections. Use the slider to select a period.

1993 : 1993

Now viewing: dnb/jungle artists who released more than 2 tracks in 1993

Hover over a node to see the artist name, click a node for information about its connections. Use the slider to select a period.

2004 : 2004
</input> 2009

Now viewing: dubstep artists who released more than 2 tracks in 2004